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Backend Configuration

API Environment Variables


Variables Default Description
PUID 911 UserID permissions between host OS and container
PGID 911 GroupID permissions between host OS and container
DEFAULT_GROUP Home The default group for users
BASE_URL http://localhost:8080 Used for Notifications
TOKEN_TIME 48 The time in hours that a login/auth token is valid
API_PORT 9000 The port exposed by backend API. Do not change this if you're running in Docker
API_DOCS True Turns on/off access to the API documentation locally
TZ UTC Must be set to get correct date/time on the server
ALLOW_SIGNUP* false Allow user sign-up without token
LOG_CONFIG_OVERRIDE Override the config for logging with a custom path
LOG_LEVEL info Logging level (e.g. critical, error, warning, info, debug, trace)
DAILY_SCHEDULE_TIME 23:45 The time of day to run daily server tasks, in HH:MM format. Use the server's local time, not UTC

* Starting in v1.4.0 this was changed to default to false as part of a security review of the application.


Variables Default Description
SECURITY_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 5 Maximum times a user can provide an invalid password before their account is locked
SECURITY_USER_LOCKOUT_TIME 24 Time in hours for how long a users account is locked


Variables Default Description
DB_ENGINE sqlite Optional: 'sqlite', 'postgres'
POSTGRES_USER mealie Postgres database user
POSTGRES_PASSWORD mealie Postgres database password
POSTGRES_SERVER postgres Postgres database server address
POSTGRES_PORT 5432 Postgres database port
POSTGRES_DB mealie Postgres database name
POSTGRES_URL_OVERRIDE None Optional Postgres URL override to use instead of POSTGRES_* variables


Variables Default Description
SMTP_HOST None Required For email
SMTP_PORT 587 Required For email
SMTP_FROM_NAME Mealie Required For email
SMTP_AUTH_STRATEGY TLS Required For email, Options: 'TLS', 'SSL', 'NONE'
SMTP_FROM_EMAIL None Required For email


Changing the webworker settings may cause unforeseen memory leak issues with Mealie. It's best to leave these at the defaults unless you begin to experience issues with multiple users. Exercise caution when changing these settings

Variables Default Description
UVICORN_WORKERS 1 Sets the number of workers for the web server. More info here


Variables Default Description
LDAP_AUTH_ENABLED False Authenticate via an external LDAP server in addidion to built-in Mealie auth
LDAP_SERVER_URL None LDAP server URL (e.g. ldap://
LDAP_TLS_INSECURE False Do not verify server certificate when using secure LDAP
LDAP_TLS_CACERTFILE None File path to Certificate Authority used to verify server certificate (e.g. /path/to/ca.crt)
LDAP_ENABLE_STARTTLS False Optional. Use STARTTLS to connect to the server
LDAP_BASE_DN None Starting point when searching for users authentication (e.g. CN=Users,DC=xx,DC=yy,DC=de)
LDAP_QUERY_BIND None Optional bind user for LDAP search queries (e.g. cn=admin,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com). If None then anonymous bind will be used
LDAP_QUERY_PASSWORD None Optional password for the bind user used in LDAP_QUERY_BIND
LDAP_USER_FILTER None Optional LDAP filter to narrow down eligible users (e.g. (memberOf=cn=mealie_user,dc=example,dc=com))
LDAP_ADMIN_FILTER None Optional LDAP filter, which tells Mealie the LDAP user is an admin (e.g. (memberOf=cn=admins,dc=example,dc=com))
LDAP_ID_ATTRIBUTE uid The LDAP attribute that maps to the user's id
LDAP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE name The LDAP attribute that maps to the user's name
LDAP_MAIL_ATTRIBUTE mail The LDAP attribute that maps to the user's email

OpenID Connect (OIDC)


For usage, see Usage - OpenID Connect

Variables Default Description
OIDC_AUTH_ENABLED False Enables authentication via OpenID Connect
OIDC_SIGNUP_ENABLED True Enables new users to be created when signing in for the first time with OIDC
OIDC_CONFIGURATION_URL None The URL to the OIDC configuration of your provider. This is usually something like
OIDC_CLIENT_ID None The client id of your configured client in your provider
OIDC_USER_GROUP None If specified, only users belonging to this group will be able to successfully authenticate, regardless of the OIDC_ADMIN_GROUP. For more information see this page
OIDC_ADMIN_GROUP None If specified, users belonging to this group will be made an admin. For more information see this page
OIDC_AUTO_REDIRECT False If True, then the login page will be bypassed an you will be sent directly to your Identity Provider. You can still get to the login page by adding ?direct=1 to the login URL
OIDC_PROVIDER_NAME OAuth The provider name is shown in SSO login button. "Login with <OIDC_PROVIDER_NAME>"
OIDC_REMEMBER_ME False Because redirects bypass the login screen, you cant extend your session by clicking the "Remember Me" checkbox. By setting this value to true, a session will be extended as if "Remember Me" was checked
OIDC_SIGNING_ALGORITHM RS256 The algorithm used to sign the id token (examples: RS256, HS256)
OIDC_USER_CLAIM email This is the claim which Mealie will use to look up an existing user by (e.g. "email", "preferred_username")
OIDC_GROUPS_CLAIM groups Optional if not using OIDC_USER_GROUP or OIDC_ADMIN_GROUP. This is the claim Mealie will request from your IdP and will use to compare to OIDC_USER_GROUP or OIDC_ADMIN_GROUP to allow the user to log in to Mealie or is set as an admin. Your IdP must be configured to grant this claim
OIDC_TLS_CACERTFILE None File path to Certificate Authority used to verify server certificate (e.g. /path/to/ca.crt)



Mealie supports various integrations using OpenAI. For more information, check out our OpenAI documentation.

Variables Default Description
OPENAI_BASE_URL None The base URL for the OpenAI API. If you're not sure, leave this empty to use the standard OpenAI platform
OPENAI_API_KEY None Your OpenAI API Key. Enables OpenAI-related features
OPENAI_MODEL gpt-4o Which OpenAI model to use. If you're not sure, leave this empty
OPENAI_ENABLE_IMAGE_SERVICES True Whether to enable OpenAI image services, such as creating recipes via image. Leave this enabled unless your custom model doesn't support it, or you want to reduce costs
OPENAI_WORKERS 2 Number of OpenAI workers per request. Higher values may increase processing speed, but will incur additional API costs
OPENAI_SEND_DATABASE_DATA True Whether to send Mealie data to OpenAI to improve request accuracy. This will incur additional API costs
OPENAI_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 60 The number of seconds to wait for an OpenAI request to complete before cancelling the request. Leave this empty unless you're running into timeout issues on slower hardware


Setting the following environmental variables will change the theme of the frontend. Note that the themes are the same for all users. This is a break-change when migration from v0.x.x -> 1.x.x.

Variables Default Description
THEME_LIGHT_PRIMARY #E58325 Light Theme Config Variable
THEME_LIGHT_ACCENT #007A99 Light Theme Config Variable
THEME_LIGHT_SECONDARY #973542 Light Theme Config Variable
THEME_LIGHT_SUCCESS #43A047 Light Theme Config Variable
THEME_LIGHT_INFO #1976D2 Light Theme Config Variable
THEME_LIGHT_WARNING #FF6D00 Light Theme Config Variable
THEME_LIGHT_ERROR #EF5350 Light Theme Config Variable
THEME_DARK_PRIMARY #E58325 Dark Theme Config Variable
THEME_DARK_ACCENT #007A99 Dark Theme Config Variable
THEME_DARK_SECONDARY #973542 Dark Theme Config Variable
THEME_DARK_SUCCESS #43A047 Dark Theme Config Variable
THEME_DARK_INFO #1976D2 Dark Theme Config Variable
THEME_DARK_WARNING #FF6D00 Dark Theme Config Variable
THEME_DARK_ERROR #EF5350 Dark Theme Config Variable

Docker Secrets

Setting a credential can be done using secrets when running in a Docker container. This can be used to avoid leaking passwords through compose files, environment variables, or command-line history. For example, to configure the Postgres database password in Docker compose, create a file on the host that contains only the password, and expose that file to the Mealie service as a secret with the correct name. Note that environment variables take priority over secrets, so any previously defined environment variables should be removed when migrating to secrets.

      POSTGRES_USER: postgres

    file: postgrespassword.txt